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Monday, April 18, 2011

Strange Dreams

I don't usually remember my dreams; however, perhaps because lots of work has led to little sleep, I woke remembering my dreams:

I was startled by my alarm for work and sad I was no longer chasing beavers around our house. Apparently, one sprinkler in our yard caused the front yard to turn into a lake that reached as high as our front step. I ran to my sisters blue room to tell her about the creatures in our front yard and wanted help identifying them. I still don't know what creatures they were, but my best guess is two cute beavers. Perhaps, it a reflection of reading Narnia before falling asleep. The beavers after all were friendly... Well back to my running to the blue room. Instead of Kristi I found my coworker housekeeper who I use to practice speaking spanish with. I don't know where that came from since I never see him anymore since we work days and the other nights. Maybe it was the blue in the room because that's the housekeeping uniform. Now I think I am trying to make sense of my nonsensical dream. But if you are reading this, you better take care of your sprinklers before strange events take place.

Although my other dream is somewhat hazy this is the highlight:
  • I was trying on wedding dresses in the relief society room so then I could then dance hip hop. Who would have known those two go together. I even had 100's of people join me as we all then started dancing throughout the building. Interesting.
That's about all I remember of that dream actually. Well here's to some more crazy dreams. Goodnight


  1. That will teach you to read Narnia before bed. Funny! Thanks for letting me read your blog. Even though I'm really bad at keeping in touch- I think about you often and I love knowing a little of what's going on in your life. You are one of the most purely sweet people I know...and I love ya for it!

  2. Thanks Cindy! I think of you often as well and hope you, your little guy and Tim are happy and well. The other thing I did before bed was look at my roommate's wedding dress she just found. So that may have been where the other dream came from. :D

  3. I'll be sure to remind your Dad to make sure the sprinklers all work and to wait for it to stop raining before he turns them on!

  4. Haha. That is hilarious. I'd love to see some wedding dress hip hop. Just heading to bed now... maybe I'll have some interesting dreams tonight. I'm going to a ballet class tomorrow for the second time. Last week brought back flashbacks from our classes together. It'd been a looong time since I'd done ballet. Happiest of memories!
